NBSC Mackellar Girls Campus

The girls' campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 2083


Happy Boxes Project - Collecting goods for remote communities

Mackellar Fundraising for remote communites

Mackellar recently collected goods for remote communities in Australia (specifically Wilcannia and Brewarrina) who are disadvantaged with a lack of access to vital goods and services. 

Non-perishable food as well as hygiene and personal products were put into 'Happy Boxes' for women in these areas. The students of Mackellar donated what worked out to be 66 Happy-boxes of goods, as pictured, as well as 7 large boxes of groceries. A working-bee involving students across all years were involved in packaging the goods.

For more information about Happy Boxes you can visit this website: https://happyboxesproject.com/