Mackellar Girls Campus

A part of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 2083


Talented Dance Program

The Talented Dance Program is a highly sought after program for students with exceptional talent in the field of Dance. Entry to the program is by application with supporting documents, and group audition. Please see our Gifted & Talented Programs page for application forms and more information on the application process.

The aim of the Talented Dance Program is to provide students with opportunities to extend and enrich their Dance Education. Coursework is based on cultivating an understanding of Dance as an art form. Mackellar Girls has a history of outstanding performance in the HSC in Dance and the foundations of academic rigour are embedded in the Talented Dance Program. Our talented dancers regularly receive nominations and selection for HSC Callback for their work in Performance and Composition. Past students have been awarded accolades including 1st in the State for the HSC Dance course. As well, our students regularly receive places in the NSW Public Schools State Dance Ensembles and Companies, and perform at the Schools Spectacular and various other Arts Unit initiatives.

Students attend a weekly timetabled Talented Dance class during Years 7 and 8. It is expected they elect to study the Stage 5 Elective Dance course in Years 9 and 10. Students attend five enrichment days each school year where they receive tuition from guest choreographers and performers, attend specialist workshops and performances outside school, and participate in challenging activities that provide extension beyond the classroom.

Students participate in the annual Danceworks showcase over two nights during Term 4, in addition to various other public performances at school, college and community events. Further to this, all students are eligible to audition for one or more of the extra-curricular Dance Ensembles at Mackellar.


Dance Ensembles

The Dance Ensembles run separately to the Talented Dance Program and all students at the school with a passion for and expertise in Dance are eligible to undertake the audition process, held at the start of each academic year. Positions for the various ensembles are highly contested.

The aim of the Dance Ensembles is to support the pursuit of dance as a performing art. Students are presented opportunities to perform at school and community events, namely the Sydney North Public Schools Dance Festival held at Glen St Theatre annually, and the Mackellar Girls Danceworks production.

Historically, Mackellar has run four extra-curricular Dance Ensembles which rehearse outside of school hours:

  • Senior Contemporary

  • Intermediate Contemporary

  • Junior Contemporary

  • Jazz



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