Mackellar Girls Campus

The Girls' Campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 2083

Gifted & Talented Programs

High Potential and Gifted Education Program

Talented Performer Program

Mackellar has exemplary academic High Potential and Gifted Education classes and is justifiably proud of its outstanding academic reputation and achievements. Mackellar also has highly successful programs for talented athletes, dancers, musicians and visual artists.

These programs are aimed at extending educational opportunities in an all girls' environment to girls who exhibit talent in these areas. It is the Campus's aim to foster students with these specific talents as Mackellar has for many years provided its students with extensive opportunities in these areas. Mackellar Girls Campus understands that students who are talented in the academic, art, music, dance and athletic areas have special needs. We have created special talented programs for each year to meet their academic needs as well as support them to balance schoolwork and heavy training commitments.

Mackellar Girls Campus has won the Director General's Award for our 'Turning Potential Into Performance' program.

Entry to the High Potential and Gifted Education academic stream is by portfolio submission. Please see the application link below to access this information.

Entry to the Talented Athlete, Dance, Music and Visual Art programs in Year 7 is by application with supporting documents. Students who are shortlisted for each program will be required to attend an interview (Athletes and Visual Artists) or an audition (Dancers and Musicians). Interviews/auditions are held in Term 1 when girls are in Year 6. Applications are available from the links below, from the school on Open Day or by phoning 9949 2083 at the start of the year.

Entry to the programs in years other than Year 7 is on a case by case basis.

Applications for Year 7 2026 Talent Program will be accepted from Thursday 6th February 2026.

Year 7 2026 Academic Stream Class - portfolio submission information

Year 7 2026 Remittance Advice Form

Year 7 2026 Talented Athlete Application From

Year 7 2026 Talented Dance Application Form

Year 7 2026 Talented Music Application Form

Year 7 2026 Talented Visual Art Program Application Form


PLEASE NOTE: Two forms should be submitted. This includes the relevant 2025 TALENTED FORM and the 2025 PAYMENT FORM (including payment - the amount is listed for each category).

The Learning Centre

Elite Performer Program

Mackellar Girls Campus has an Elite Performer Program that has been in operation for many years to support those girls who have athletic or performing commitments at state, national or international level. The features of the program are:

  • students in Years 9 – 12 are eligible for this program
  • the provision of a teacher mentor to liaise with the girls and their parents about out-of-school commitments and curriculum requirements
  • regular time available each week for mentoring, catching up with homework and assignments and consulting with subject teachers

Our program is very successful in providing an opportunity for young elite athletes and performers to combine successful academic study with their high level extra-curricula interests.