Mackellar Girls Campus

A part of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 2083


The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.

The syllabus consists of the following strands:

  • number and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability.

In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:

  • Mathematics Advanced
  • Mathematics Extension 1
  • Mathematics Extension 2
  • Mathematics Standard 1
  • Mathematics Standard 2.

At Mackellar we aim to:

  • help develop in our students the ability to think critically, objectively and creatively.
  • provide our students with the necessary skills, or give them a foundation which can be built on, to solve mathematically based problems they may encounter now, and later in their lives.

Courses Offered

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) has written each course in stages as a two year course with the exception of Mathematics Extension 2 which is a one year course. The courses offered at our school are:

Stage 4 - Year 7 and Year 8 Mathematics

In Stage 4 all students follow the same course of study.

Stage 5 - Year 9 and Year 10 Mathematics

The Core–Paths structure is designed to encourage aspiration in students and provide the flexibility needed to enable teachers to create pathways for students working towards Stage 6. The structure is intended to extend students as far along the continuum of learning as possible and provide solid foundations for the highest levels of student achievement. The structure allows for a diverse range of endpoints up to the end of Stage 5.

The aim for most students is to demonstrate achievement of the Core and as many Path outcomes as possible by the end of Stage 5. 

The syllabus indicates which pathway would need to complete to prepare fully for the study of the different Mathematics Courses in Stage 6.

Stage 6 - Year 11 and Year 12 Mathematics

In Stage 6 the students may elect to study:

  • Mathematics Standard (2 units)
  • Mathematics Advanced (2 units)
  • Mathematics Extension 1 (1 unit)
  • Mathematics Extension 2 (1 unit)

Mathematics Standard is an applied mathematics course covering the areas of Algebra, Financial Mathematics, Measurement, Data and Statistics and Probability.

Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1 cover the more traditional areas of mathematics with Mathematics Extension 1 being more difficult and covering all of the Mathematics Advanced topics as well as some additional topics.

Mathematics Extension 2 is an extra, more difficult extension, to the Mathematics Extension 1 Course. It has no Preliminary component and is not started until the beginning of the HSC Course (during Term 4, Year 11).

Numeracy Centre

The mathematics staff has established a Numeracy Centre that operates at lunchtimes on Tuesday and Friday in Room A14 for 2024. This centre is available for girls who miss lessons due to extra-curricular activities or require extra assistance in mathematics. Further resources and support can be found at: