Mackellar Girls Campus

A part of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 2083



History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that helps to explain how people, events and forces from the past have shaped our world. We, in the History Department are passionate about our subject and strive to develop our students into lifelong learners. We focus on enhancing the learning outcomes of our students by explicitly teaching them the historical, research and communication skills required for success. History students are critical, creative learners.

Year 7 – Stage 4
Overview: The Ancient World
Depth Study 1: Investigating the Ancient Past
Depth Study 2: The Mediterranean World (Ancient Egypt)
Depth Study 3: The Asian World (Ancient China)

Year 8 – Stage 4
Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic World (Medieval Europe)
Depth Study 5: The Asia-Pacific World (The Polynesian expansion across the Pacific)
Depth Study 6: Expanding Contacts (Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples, Colonisation and Contact History)

Year 9 – Stage 5
Overview: The Making of the Modern World
Core Study: Australians at War (World War One, World War Two and a comparative study)

Year 10 – Stage 5
Overview: The Modern World and Australia
Core Study: Rights and Freedoms (1945 - present)
Depth Study 5: The Globalising World (Migration experiences)
Depth Study 6: School-developed topic

Elective History – Stage 5
Elective History provides opportunities for students to explore human actions and achievements in a range of historical contexts. Students become aware that history is all around us and that historical information may be drawn from the physical remains of the past as well as written, visual and oral sources of evidence.
Topic 1: Constructing History including Archaeology, and Death and Burial
Topic 2: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Societies including Rome, Troy, the Crusades, the Reformation
Topic 3: Thematic Studies including Crime and Punishment, Terrorism and Assassination, Revolutions, Genocide

Years 11 – 12 – Stage 6
During the Preliminary courses, we develop the skills of the students so that they are thoroughly prepared for the demands of the HSC courses.
Ancient History: Archaeology, Death and Burial, Egyptian studies, Roman studies, Sparta, Personality study
Modern History: World War One, Russia, Conflict in Europe, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Personality study
History Extension (Year 12 only): What is History?, Crusades case study, Major Project based on historiography.

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